Karmaceutical-School-ProgramKarmaceutical programs provide fun, creative, educational classes and workshops for middle school and high school students that increase knowledge about the health benefits of altruism, improve self awareness and promote prosocial behaviors.  The students and teachers also have access to our online surveys that measure their individual giving quotient in altruism and offer a printable evaluation sheet for review.

Our Karmaceutical campaign was so well received that it generated a new idea.  A teacher at a local Middle School approached us with a suggestion.  After watching the Karmaceutical videos, the students made an interesting request.   Can we make our own inspiring videos?

We recognize the power of visual media in shaping culture.  We are also  keenly aware of the transformative nature of conversation and team effort.  Kx is a unique and effective educational platform. Students choose a value, explore the individual and social benefits of their chosen values, develop the concept in teams and create a short promotional video. Each video submitted must inform, inspire and motivate prosocial behaviors.

This simple, yet powerful idea offers students the opportunity to examine the importance of a values-based culture.  The Kx School Program includes the following learning opportunities and skill development:

1. Class discussion about the definition of value and importance of values.

2. Class discussion about the Kx values showcased in the videos

3. Team building.  Working together to create a cohesive idea and strategy.

4. Reinforcement of effective communication skills and creativity during brainstorming.

5. Strategic planning skills in the development of the script and storyboard

6. Refining of presentation skills as students practice their roles.

7. Organizational and conceptual thinking during filming.

8. Public speaking skills in presenting the finished videos.


The learning process takes place in an environment that supports and promotes the following prosocial behaviors:

respect    creativity    humor    courage    helpfulness    listening    negotiation    collaboration    cooperation    leadership

Kx is the ONLY comprehensive, values-based training that fosters prosocial behaviors in a fun, creative, effective program.  Success in our highly competitive world today depends,  not only on academic achievement, but even more importantly, on innovative thinking and social-emotional intelligence. Kx programs ignite passionate minds and spark creative solutions.

Outside the Box.  Inside the Heart.

Are you interested in learning more or setting up a Karmacetical Program in your school? Contact us at info@oneworldheartproject.org



Creativity Eardrops




Humor Suppositories

Listening Ear Drops



Time Capsules